• Dr Gordana M. Prelevic MD, MSc, DSc, FRCP
  • Consultant Endocrinologist


Dr Prelevic’s D.Sc. thesis was on "Hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis in the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)".

She published extensively on PCOS including its pathophysiology, cardiovascular risks, long term complications, effects of exercise on insulin resistance, and clinical management.

Her research and publications on menopause include cardiovascular risk factors associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), postmenopausal osteoporosis and the potential effects of HRT on cognitive changes.

Dr Prelevic has been involved in research on the role of vitamin D in management of osteoporosis, determinants of osteoporosis in men and low bone density in anorexia nervosa and Turner Syndrome.

In her research activities, Dr Prelevic has collaborated with experts based at the University of Warwick, University of Sussex, Imperial College London and University of Lodz in Poland, as well as with a number of departments at the Royal Free Hospital. She has presented her research results at numerous international scientific meetings.